This sport would be fun if it wasn't for all the running...

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Metabolic Stress test- Not me :)
In the bubble and still not me
 That is evidently how long I last on a metabolic stress test.  I was horrified... I mean I am fairly active and yet I tapped out at 10+ minutes.  So yes, I was horrified, until I went home and googled 'average time on a stress test' and found that most people last from 8 to 12 minutes so I was right in the middle.  Which made me feel slightly better, but not by much.  And for those of you unfamiliar with a metabolic stress test it involves wearing a mask to measure breathing, an EKG, and a treadmill that where the incline and speed increase at a steady rate until you feel you can't go any farther.
Why am I taking a stress test you might ask?  Well, I am participating in a study at the local university.  And I like to participate in studies.  You get to learn more about yourself and you help further other peoples education and research.  And you get to do some interesting stuff.   And you get to do this interesting stuff for free!  And with this one, in addition to the cool tests, I am also getting a stipend which is just icing on the cake.

Body Scanner
Still not me- this is dude
But anyway, this time one of the schools at the university is doing a comprehensive calorie in calorie out profile.  And so far I have participated in four things.  The first was the stress test, which measures calories expended while exercising.  The second was a resting metabolic test which as I am sure you have guessed, measures my resting metabolism.  These two tests gives them an accurate representation of my metabolism.   The third test scans the body and shows your body fat and gives them an extremely detailed pictures of body fat composition. And for the fourth, I am now wearing sensors two sensors for the next week one which measures the activity I am doing and another which measures when I am sitting and standing.

So I am really exited to see all of the results at the end and find out more about myself.  And if any of you live near a large university please look on their websites and see what is going on.  There is some really cool stuff out their.