This sport would be fun if it wasn't for all the running...

Friday, January 7, 2011

My poor phone

So... the good news is I went for a run last night for the first time this year. I have been very lazy over the past few weeks and finally was able to just go. However, right before the run, my phone (which I carry with me for safety and for the running app which tracks my miles and time) fell into water. I immediately take it apart and wrap the pieces in my towel to dry it out.  And then I hemmed and hawed about going on the run or running home to throw the phone in rice (picked up the silica beads tonight- figured they couldn't hurt). I decided I had to go for the run or I would just be really ticked and depressed and if I ran at least I would have those endorphins. I ran about two miles then worry over having to buy a new phone sent me back to my car and home to bury the phone in rice.
I will admit to being very bad and turning on the phone every couple of hours to see how/if it was working and it seems to be progressing nicely with more of the various applications and functions working each time I turn it on. Fingers crossed that it will continue on that path... and if it does die that it will be nice enough to hang on until after payday :)
And my really stupid (and funny) moment of the day yesterday- topping the whole dropping the phone in water- was when I went to take these pictures and I looked around for my phone for a minute... before the duh moment when I realized that the camera was in the rice.  It was a very pretty moment.

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