This sport would be fun if it wasn't for all the running...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And the 'What was I thinking?' sets in

Oh Gu, how I love you...
Especially on the long run you
keep me going!
This week started mud run training.  And reinforced my "what was I thinking" month that will be really felt in October.  But for now lets focus on the middle of the month and the USMC mud run.  Monday and Wednesday were spent at Riverfront doing some jogging and strength training.  So tonight we ran hills, pushups, squats, burpees, karaokes, triceps dips, and more.  Tomorrow will be an off night for me (yay!), Friday I will be cheering the girls on with recruitment, then Saturday will be a 10 mile day.  Then lather, rinse, and repeat adding in the two other team runs for the half training next week.  And then maybe a class if the professor ever responds to me.  I am still trying to pick which class I would like to take this fall and since no one has put syllabi out yet I am still undecided.

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