This sport would be fun if it wasn't for all the running...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bye, Bye Baby

 Over the holidays my car, aka Baby, bit the dust.  This really hurt for a few reasons.  Baby was my first car, we were hit (duh that tends to hurt)... and she was paid off (that might have hurt most of all).  We were rear ended and the damage totaled more than the other insurance was willing to pay, not to mention the frame had been bent.  Which you can kind of see in the top picture, but they found more damage as they pulled the car apart and that tipped it.  So I spent most of my break on good drugs on the couch.  It was good that if I had to be in an accident that it occurred while I was on my break.  It was bad because I had a lot of plans which due to the good drugs I skipped.
So now I am just dealing with the insurance company, and new car (new to me) stuff, DMV, etc.  Things have gone well and the two Nationwide agents I have dealt with have been amazing (my insurance agent was good, too).  But it's still a ton of stuff to deal with.    

1 comment:

  1. Ugh.. sorry to hear about the car. Especially the paid off part. It's amazing to me the amount of grief that people have which revolves around the 'auto life'. And still, people drive. A LOT. or so I'm told.

    Love ya, miss ya (but not like a Mexican)

