This sport would be fun if it wasn't for all the running...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Six point five and things you don't want to see on a run

Random Photo of an Ambulance

There was an ambulance at the entrance to the park this morning.  My friend Jerry was there and the rumor he heard was that a branch had fallen on a runner.  All I know is that I saw the paramedics with a woman right before mile marker one and it looked like she had done something to her ankle or leg.  So regardless, please send a little thought or prayer to her.  Another thing I knew was that I needed to run.  I was shooting for seven with a caveat to myself that I can do no less than five.  And I was tired and cranky and so forth so, knowing myself I built the extra mileage into the 5 mile course.  I made myself turn around at the 1/4miles that were marked and run a little loop (I would go from 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 then run back to 1 1/4 and back to 1 1/5 before continuing on the run).  I sometimes have to play these games with myself because if I run the trail and back and then still have more I need to run the odds of my going back out decrease significantly.  So at the end of the day I got my run in and continue on with my training to reach my goal of running in the half.

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