This sport would be fun if it wasn't for all the running...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Come on people...

So I have forayed into the world of online dating.  And holy crap there are some crazies out there.  Along with some people who just have issues.  And a few seemingly nice, normal people.  However to keep my sanity and vent a little I would like to list out some don'ts for my fellow singles.
1. Pictures
Please no Fabio pics.  If you are not Fabio on the cover of a novel you should not be wearing a pirate shirt open to your middle.  And look like you have a wind machine.
Obvious bathroom pictures.  I know you want to do a full body picture but I don't need to see your toilet.  Also keep your shirt on.  If you want to show you're fit, how about a pic at the pool or the gym.  Not like you are greased up for a cameo on the Jersey Shores.
And lastly, no duck face please.  Or close ups of your lips, or other feature you want to highlight.  Just saying.
2. Introduction email
This has about broken me.  Please for the love of all that is good in the world use real, whole words for your first contact.  U R QT. is not going to get a response.  It's going straight into the trash.
And it that same vein "damn U R cute, you look 15 want to meet?" is going to get a response, but not me replying- it will be me calling Chris Hanson.
3. Profile
Maybe this should have been number one but we will go with this.  Pick a name that works for you like some mash up of your name/initials or your favorite activity/place/sports team.  But not THAT favorite activity.  Names like bareishowilikeit or iamjustthatnasty (changed slightly).  Because this is your first impression on the person you are trying to contact or the people who are looking for you.
And, I am just mean, but when I read a guy tying to be all walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, etc I am not believing a word he says.  Also, drama, baggage, and other cutesy stuff is not working for me.  When you start talking about being a teddy bear abandoned by a previous owner I feel that I would spend the whole date hearing about your ex.

All that being said I am meeting some interesting people.  It's really cute when you find something in the profile (other than the photo) to comment on and strike up a "conversation".  Anything romantic aside I have "met" a couple people who are pretty cool and so these people make it worth sorting through all the others.
Thanks for reading through my venting :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's official. I am old.

The classic rock stations have been playing the music that came out when I was in high school...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dam Run followed by another dam run

The Dam Run to Irmo was held this past weekend and my dad and I ran it.  And if you know anything by now that means my dad and I started at the same time and he waited for me at the finish line.  :)  I managed to shave six minutes off of last year's time so that was a nice plus.  However, I then needed to do another 4.8 miles since, per my training schedule, Saturday's run needed to be 11 miles and the Dam Run was a just a 10k.  So I decide to run from the dam after the race back to my parents house.  It was a long, long run/jog/walk.  I would see an intersection and think I was in one location only to get closer and realize no, not there,  see another intersection and no... lather, rinse and repeat.   I finally made it to their house and mentioned that it had been the longest five miles EVER and my dad laughed at me and said that was because it wasn't five miles.  I was very dejected and said "it was less?!?!?".  And he said no, it was the longest five miles ever because it was six plus.  I don't know how I calculated the run on the map but I was really off.  The good news is with this 12+ mile jog that I am well on my way to being ready for the half in just a couple of weeks!  It is getting really, really close and I am getting really, really excited!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My rules: Cars v. People Etiquette

I realize there are idiots all around (drivers, pedestrians, bikers).  And I don't think any of you qualify, but just to get these things out in the open.  I try and always follow the rules when running.  Mainly because I know in a match-up between me and a car, the car will win.  I run facing traffic so I can see you even if you can't see me.  This is usually because you are: talking, texting, looking one way only when turning, putting on makeup, reading, or for some of you all of the above.  I cross at cross walks and FYI that little white man in the box means I have the right of way.  At a crosswalk you should think of me as if I am another car on your side.  I do run in the road (because asphalt is easier on the knees than concrete), but if cars are coming I jump back on the sidewalk or run on the shoulder of the road (ie. not a lane).  Sometimes the shoulders are VERY tiny and there is a ditch on the other side (see photo to the left) so I can't move over so you need to just STAY IN YOUR LANE and we will be okay.  And really you should be able to stay in your lane anyway.  If you are driving a car larger than a lane and it's not an 18 wheeler, well...
Sometimes you may want to say hello, give encouragement, show appreciation, whatever else you mean to convey to a runner.  These things are nice (most of the time) a wave, smile, light taps with horn.  But please for the love of all things holy don't lay on the horn.  Two reasons.  1.  I will feel that I am in eminent danger (maybe there is a runaway train, someone behind me, everything a horror movie has ever depicted).  2.  It's loud and it hurts my ears.  I run around traffic, so I only have one earphone in and horns are loud.  They are not toys (even if yours does play a tune).  And they are really, really annoying when it happens over and over again.  And that is it on the rules for now.

But look what I saw when out today.  Cricket!  People were playing at a local school's field.  Who knew people played that here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ice Cream Party

On Tuesday night several of my Team in Training teammates and I went to our local children's hospital to take ice cream around to the Leukemia and Lymphoma patients and their families.  This being a Children's Miracle Network Hospital, I have volunteered at the radiothons held yearly in the lobby with Phi Mu (our national philanthropy) and visited patents, but had never been to the cancer floors.  We split up into two groups to visit a couple of floors. Our floor had about ten rooms to visit with children ranging in age from under two to fourteen.  And let me tell you those were some of the most polite and cheerful people I have seen in a long time.  They are going through an incredibly tough time right now, and while I am sure there are some low times,  they were all in remarkable spirits.  Especially Happy.  That is what his grandmother was calling him and it fit.  When we finished our rounds Happy was starting his play time.  It was time to walk around and play and boy did he.  He flitted around from corner and activity in the play room and then we helped him shoot some baskets for a bit.  He is around three/four and I am sure he has no idea what is happening and why he has to have IVs and other equipment hooked up to him but he is dealing with it.  He is living his life.  That is what I am taking away from this visit.  We all have things we are dealing with, and we develop tunnel vision, and can only focus on that issue.  I want to focus on the whole.  Let the little things go and be grateful for all that I have.  I hope everyone got a little joy out of our visit.  I know that I definitely did.