I realize there are idiots all around (drivers, pedestrians, bikers). And I don't think any of you qualify, but just to get these things out in the open. I try and always follow the rules when running. Mainly because I know in a match-up between me and a car, the car will win. I run facing traffic so I can see you even if you can't see me. This is usually because you are: talking, texting, looking one way only when turning, putting on makeup, reading, or for some of you all of the above. I cross at cross walks and FYI that little white man in the box means I have the right of way. At a crosswalk you should think of me as if I am another car on your side. I do run in the road (because asphalt is easier on the knees than concrete), but if cars are coming I jump back on the sidewalk or run on the shoulder of the road (ie. not a lane). Sometimes the shoulders are VERY tiny and there is a ditch on the other side (see photo to the left) so I can't move over so you need to just STAY IN YOUR LANE and we will be okay. And really you should be able to stay in your lane anyway. If you are driving a car larger than a lane and it's not an 18 wheeler, well...
Sometimes you may want to say hello, give encouragement, show appreciation, whatever else you mean to convey to a runner. These things are nice (most of the time) a wave, smile, light taps with horn. But please for the love of all things holy don't lay on the horn. Two reasons. 1. I will feel that I am in eminent danger (maybe there is a runaway train, someone behind me, everything a horror movie has ever depicted). 2. It's loud and it hurts my ears. I run around traffic, so I only have one earphone in and horns are loud. They are not toys (even if yours does play a tune). And they are really, really annoying when it happens over and over again. And that is it on the rules for now.
But look what I saw when out today. Cricket! People were playing at a local school's field. Who knew people played that here.
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